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Online Force Directed Algorithms for Visualization of Dynamic Graphs

Visualization of dynamic graphs allows analysts to observe any changes in the graphs over time to find hidden relationships and patterns. Force-directed (FD) algorithms were considered as one of the main techniques for visualization of static graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the design and implementation of five online force-directed (OFD) algorithms for visualization of dynamic graphs using Node-and-Link layouts. The proposed OFD algorithms are designed to achieve properties such as re-usability, scalability, and compatibility.

We evaluate the performance between FD and OFD algorithms based on the number of edge crossing, the standard deviation of edge length, variance of edge crossing and execution time with respect to varying numbers of nodes and average degrees in dynamic graphs. We show that the proposed OFD algorithms can significantly lower the computational cost for visualization of large dynamic graphs. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first systematic and bottom-up design of OFD algorithms in which existing force models of FD can be reused in OFD algorithms without significant modification.

The author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication can be downloaded from http://eric.lostcity-studio.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/OFD-Dynamic.pdf. Se-Hang Cheong, Yain-Whar Si, Raymond K.Wong. “Online Force Directed Algorithms for Visualization of Dynamic Graphs“, Information Sciences, Volume 556, May 2021, Pages 223-255.

Architecture of Force-directed Algorithms

A graph layout problem, or visualization problem, refers to a set of nodes and a set of relationships (edges) built on top of this set of nodes, calculating the position of the nodes and drawing each edge as a line or curve.

One of the most important research directions in the visualization technology of graphs is the study of graph layout algorithms. The core content of the graph layout algorithm research is to study how to display the graph structure in a better way. E.g. force-directed algorithms.

The comprehensive workflow for classical force-directed algorithms are summarized below:

  1. Davidson and Harel Algorithm
  2. LinLog Algorithm
  3. Kamada-Kawai Algorithm
  4. Fruchterman Reingold Algorithm
  5. ForceAtlas2 Algorithm

1. Davidson and Harel Algorithm

2. LinLog Algorithm

3. Kamada-Kawai Algorithm

4. Fruchterman Reingold Algorithm

5. ForceAtlas2 Algorithm